{"id":54786,"date":"2021-03-17T11:32:39","date_gmt":"2021-03-17T15:32:39","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/?p=54786"},"modified":"2021-03-17T11:32:39","modified_gmt":"2021-03-17T15:32:39","slug":"palmetto-gba-a-reminder-on-annual-wellness-visits-for-retirees","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/palmetto-gba-a-reminder-on-annual-wellness-visits-for-retirees\/","title":{"rendered":"Palmetto GBA: A reminder on annual wellness visits for retirees","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

\"\"Medicare pays for an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV). It\u2019s an awesome free preventive service that so many Medicare patients have not been taking advantage of. Since the onset of COVID-19, the number of AWVs being performed has fallen drastically, as many people have chosen to put off elective services. However, it\u2019s important for you to do what is best for your health. That also means it may be best to take the time to have this service. If you talk to your healthcare provider and they say that it\u2019s safe for you to have an AWV, then it makes sense to consider doing so.
\nFirst off, what is an AWV?<\/strong>
\nAn Annual Wellness Visit is a visit to develop or update a preventive services plan that is personalized to your needs and to perform a Health Risk Assessment (HRA). An AWV comes in two sizes: your initial AWV and your follow-up AWV. Your initial AWV sets the baseline for future visits. Before or during this visit, you will complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) questionnaire, which will collect at a minimum:<\/p>\n

  1. Your demographic data and a health status self-assessment<\/li>\n
  2. Your assessment of depression\/life satisfaction, stress, anger, pain, fatigue, isolation or loneliness<\/li>\n
  3. Information on behavioral risks, including, but not limited to, if you smoke or use tobacco products, drink alcohol or use drugs, your physical activity and your nutrition<\/li>\n
  4. Information on your ability to do general activities of daily living, such as washing clothes, bathing, walking, ability to stand for periods of time, etc.<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    During an initial AWV, your provider will create a baseline of your medical and family history, capture information about your current list of doctors and medications that you take, and gather measurements of your height, weight, blood pressure and other routine measurements as they apply based on your medical and family history. Your provider may also perform a cognitive impairment assessment to check for Alzheimer\u2019s disease or dementia, and for depression and other mood disorders.
    \nYour healthcare provider will review all of the information you provided to them, along with what they have observed focusing on your ability to do general activities of daily living, your risk of falling, plus any hearing impairments or potential home safety issues that may come up during the visit.
    \nFrom all of this, your provider will create a written schedule\/checklist, for the next five to 10 years for future screening visits and preventive services. Your provider will also give you personalized referrals for health education, preventive programs or counseling services based on what the AWV data has shown them.
    \nThese recommended services or programs can help you reduce risk factors or promote wellness, such as increasing weight loss and physical activity, as well as preventing falls and improving your nutrition. Referrals can be made for programs to help you quit smoking. You can also work with your provider to produce Advanced Care Planning documents such as living wills, advanced directives and other documents that instruct others about your healthcare wishes in the event you are unable to do so due to injury or illness.
    \nThat\u2019s the first AWV. The second type of AWV is considered a follow-up AWV, or just a plain AWV.
    \nAt this AWV visit, you will review and update your HRA and your provider will update your medical\/family history, the list of your current providers and medications and your measurements – including weight and blood pressure. Your provider will then make any needed changes to your screening schedule and your personalized health plan, and make new referrals, if necessary, to keep current with your needs. It is important to have this service every year. Your body is constantly changing – every day, every week, every month, every year. You take care of your plants, your car, your family, and you need to remember to take care of yourself as well.
    \nHow often can you get an AWV?<\/strong>
    \nYou can receive an AWV if:<\/p>\n