{"id":50019,"date":"2020-03-12T15:38:00","date_gmt":"2020-03-12T19:38:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/?p=50019"},"modified":"2022-09-08T09:28:02","modified_gmt":"2022-09-08T13:28:02","slug":"smart-cov-id-resources-for-union-members","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/smart-cov-id-resources-for-union-members\/","title":{"rendered":"SMART COVID-19 Resources for Union Members","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

SMART takes all threats to members and the general public seriously and stands ready to assist those in our communities when dealing with the coronavirus outbreak.
\nThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Canadian Public Health Agency (PHA) have been responding to the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19), and have confirmed that the virus has infected a growing group of people in North America.
\nSMART members, including those working on job sites, production shops, bus and transit operators along with those work on the freight railroads, interact with the public on a daily basis and are at a heightened risk of contracting communicable diseases.
\nThis requires that each member be vigilant, be prepared and come together.
\nCOVID-19 symptoms are like those of influenza (Examples include fever, cough and shortness of breath), and the current outbreak is occurring during a season when respiratory illnesses from influenza and other viruses exist. Symptoms may appear in as few as two days or as long as 14 days after initial exposure. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), that people who are most at risk for hospitalization\/ severe symptoms are either people over age 65 with weakened immune systems due to age, or those who have underlying chronic diseases such as COPD and hypertension.
\nSMART is monitoring the situation and will continue to communicate with members as developments progress.
\nVisit the SMART Emergency Legislative Alert page for updates on the impact of the legislative and regulatory response to the COVID-19 crisis on members as well as links to available government resources. <\/a><\/strong>
TD members: Report COVID-19 protocols not being followed<\/a><\/strong>
Transportation Division President Jeremy Ferguson’s statement to members regarding COVID-19.<\/a><\/p>\n


Here are resources that can be of use:<\/strong><\/h3>\n
Important Benefit Available for eligible and qualified SASMI members affected by the COVID-19 virus<\/a>  SASMI will provide all eligible and qualified participants unable to work during any part of the remaining 2020A Stabilization Period due to exposure to COVID-19, displaced from employment as a result of COVID-19, or who have voluntarily removed themselves from the workforce in response to COVID-19 with a special emergency benefit. Please red link for details and visit SASMI.org to apply.<\/article>\n
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2019 Novel Coronavirus Webpage<\/a> <\/strong>
\nThis website provides information, guidance and links to additional resources including What You Should Know,<\/em> Situation Updates<\/em> and other Information. This website also has the CDC response, latest news and more. The CDC will continue to provide updated information as it becomes available, in addition to updated guidance.<\/article>\n
AFL-CIO Flyer On COVID<\/a><\/strong>SMOHIT: National Safety Council COVID-19 Web Recording <\/a> <\/strong><\/article>\n
CDC Newsroom<\/a> This website includes CDC announcements and events, latest news, available transcripts and audio of telebriefings, press releases and more.<\/article>\n
U.S. Department of Labor\/Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 2019 Novel Coronavirus Webpage<\/a>:<\/strong> This webpage provides information for workers and employers about the evolving coronavirus outbreak. The information includes links to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus\u2014now officially named COVID-19<\/article>\n
Canadian Public Health Agency<\/strong> Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):<\/a> Frequently asked questions (FAQ), Canadian Public Health Agency.<\/article>\n
World Health Organization – Updates on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19):<\/a> On this website, you can find information and guidance from WHO regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) that was first reported from Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. Please visit this page for daily updates.<\/article>\n
From NABTU:  \u201cthere is new federal legislation and regulations related to COVID-19 that will impact our industry and our members. We expect that the U.S. House of Representatives will pass the Families First Coronavirus Response Act today.  NABTU worked tirelessly with House Democrats on this legislation and were instrumental in inserting paid sick leave language to directly benefit our members. As we closely monitor the situation, we will stay on top of this bill as we continue to push for its\u2019 adoption and keep you informed as it moves to the Senate.\u201d  Click here to view<\/a>.<\/article>\n
Massachusetts Building Trades: Coronavirus Best Practices for Building Trades Unions <\/a>United Behavioral Health\/Optum: Emotional support services available to all<\/a><\/strong>
CDC Resources for Managing Anxiety and Stress<\/a> The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may be stressful for people. Fear and anxiety about a disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children.
\nDownloadable Health and Safety
Fact Sheet<\/a><\/strong> and Safety Manual<\/strong><\/a> from SMOHIT  The Sheet Metal Occupational Health Institute Trust (SMOHIT) along with the International Training Institute (ITI) and National Energy Management Institute Committee (NEMIC), the three funds have created a one-sheet with guidelines for the construction industry.  This also includes a complete manual with the most current information on protecting your health, as well as the health of your coworkers and family, while working in the sheet metal industry.<\/p>\n

For TD members and retirees:<\/h2>\n