{"id":37438,"date":"2014-10-23T11:15:30","date_gmt":"2014-10-23T15:15:30","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/smart-union.dev\/news\/fmcsa-awards-1m-to-help-train-vets-as-bus-ops\/"},"modified":"2014-10-23T11:15:30","modified_gmt":"2014-10-23T15:15:30","slug":"fmcsa-awards-1m-to-help-train-vets-as-bus-ops","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/fmcsa-awards-1m-to-help-train-vets-as-bus-ops\/","title":{"rendered":"FMCSA awards $1M to help train vets as bus operators","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

WASHINGTON \u2013 The U.S. Department of Transportation\u2019s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Oct. 21 announced it has awarded $1 million in grants to nine technical and community colleges across the country to help train returning military veterans for jobs as commercial bus and truck drivers. The funding is provided through FMCSA\u2019s Commercial Motor Vehicle – Operator Safety Training (CMV-OST) grant program.<\/p>\n

\u201cThose that we entrust to protect and serve our nation deserve opportunities that utilize the skills and training they received on the job on military bases overseas and at home,\u201d said U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. \u201cWe can think of none more appropriate to safeguard our highways as commercial vehicle drivers than the thousands of veterans who have already proven they can safely handle large vehicles under extremely stressful circumstances.\u201d<\/p>\n

\u201cThese unique grants are designed to help recruit, train and place veterans and their spouses in good jobs that are in high demand and in an industry that is vitally important in keeping our national economy moving forward,\u201d said FMCSA Acting Administrator Scott Darling. \u201cGraduates of these training programs are continuing to serve our nation by ensuring that the goods and products we depend on are delivered professionally, efficiently and, most importantly, safely.\u201d<\/p>\n

FMCSA awards CMV-OST grants to organizations that provide truck driving training, including accredited public or private colleges, universities, vocational-technical schools, post-secondary educational institutions, truck driver training schools, associations, and state and local governments, including federally-recognized Native American tribal governments. The funds are used to recruit, train, and provide students job placement assistance after graduation.<\/p>\n

The 2014 FMCSA grants announced today will provide training for nearly 400 new students. The awards were made to the following organizations:<\/p>\n