{"id":25863,"date":"2015-12-04T16:21:26","date_gmt":"2015-12-04T21:21:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/?p=25863"},"modified":"2015-12-04T16:21:26","modified_gmt":"2015-12-04T21:21:26","slug":"smart-td-praises-passage-of-fast-act","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.smart-union.org\/smart-td-praises-passage-of-fast-act\/","title":{"rendered":"SMART TD Praises Passage of FAST Act","gt_translate_keys":[{"key":"rendered","format":"text"}]},"content":{"rendered":"

\"njtransit\"<\/a>On December 3, 2015, Congress passed H.R. 22, the Fixing America\u2019s Surface Transportation Act (FAST ACT) by overwhelming bipartisan votes of 83 to 16 and 359 to 65 in the Senate and House respectively. The legislation is the first long-term surface transportation reauthorization in a decade and provides funding and policy changes for our nation\u2019s highways, mass transit and rail systems. This landmark legislation includes a number of SMART TD policy priorities, many of which are outlined below.
\n\u201cI\u2019m very pleased with the legislation overall compared to some of the original proposals. The legislation was modified in both houses and in the conference committee to correct many of the harmful issues facing our membership,\u201d SMART TD President John Previsich said.
\n\u201cOur National Legislative Director John Risch and his team, working with other unions and allies did a stellar job on a very complex 1300-page piece of legislation that was passed through a very complicated legislative process.
\n\u201cIn difficult economic and political times, an effective legislative department makes all the difference and we have one of the best in the business.\u201d
\n\u201cConsidering the makeup of the Congress, overall we are pleased with the policy provisions in this legislation, and that the law covers five years of authorization,\u201d said Risch. \u201cHowever, we are disappointed that much of the funding came from non-user fees. Freight railroads alone fund their own track and infrastructure. Using general funding for highways puts railroads at a competitive disadvantage because trucks are not paying their fair share of costs for highway construction and maintenance.\u201d
\nProvisions to protect transit members from assault<\/p>\n