SMART Transportation Division has completed a reorganization and expansion of its webpage dedicated to assisting secretaries & treasurers of Locals.
The page is at It features guidance for new secretaries & treasurers as they embark upon their responsibilities to their Local, easy access to various membership and insurance forms, useful tools, guides on filing mandatory reports and on holding elections and tips for using the record-keeping software WinStabs.
Some guides for Local leadership and forms from the IRS are not yet linked on the page. These will be updated as available.

missouri_mapState Legislative Director Ken Menges reports that the Missouri Legislative Board has a new website at
Members can now stay up to date on issues affecting their jobs as well as issues affecting Missouri locals.
Members can contact the board directly through the website, read their weblog and view an interactive calendar of events (including local meeting dates and times).
The page also features a section with links to Transportation Division and Sheet Metal Division local websites and general committee websites and other sites of interest.
“I would like to give special thanks to Assistant State Director and Local 1405 (St. Louis, Mo.) Legislative Rep. Jason Hayden and Local 933 (Jefferson City, Mo.) Legislative Rep. Edward “Thad” Krawczyk, who designed the new site,” Menges said. “It is very encouraging to see the younger members become leaders. We have a great future ahead of us.”

This is the new United Transportation Union official website.

We’ve changed our look.

This new website design responds to member requests for greater emphasis on materials and news of interest to UTU members.

To the right is an addition members told us is essential: a membership toolbox that contains answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding membership, representation and benefits.

Are there questions for which we have not yet provided an answer? Look to the lower right for the “Feedback” button. Tell us what questions or other materials you would like to see added or changed.

We also welcome other constructive suggestions, which may be sent to us by using the “Feedback” button.

The search engine has been improved. See the “Search this website” button on the upper right of this page, which will take you to older news stories or topics of interest.

Also toward the top of the page, in a grey horizontal bar, are a series of drop-down menus to help you find materials of interest.

At the very top of the page is a red horizontal bar with additional drop-down menus with information about the UTU, plus links to specific UTU crafts.

Other buttons allow you to click and change your mailing address, sign up for email alerts and view current and past issues of the UTU News.

Further additions are coming, including a UTU Facebook page, and an ability to follow the UTU on Twitter. For those with personal Facebook and Twitter accounts, see the “Facebook” and “Twitter” links at the upper right, which allow you to share materials from the website on your own Facebook page and via your own Twitter account.

This is your webpage. Take a test drive. Tell us what you think. Become a frequent visitor.