Dear Member,

How often have you heard the phrase, “this is the most important election in our lifetime?” Plenty, I’m sure. The truth is, every election is vote_button_2important, with the stakes being higher in a presidential election year — especially for rail, transit and airline workers and retirees who are directly impacted by administration regulations and Congressional votes.

There is still plenty of time to scrutinize the candidates and determine who will best represent our members, retirees and their families on our issues of concern. But now is the right time to ensure that you and your family are registered to vote at your current address, especially if you moved recently.

One of the simplest ways to verify your voter registration, or register to vote, is to visit the SMART TD Legislative Action Center. The following link will take you directly to the voter information page; just click on your state for complete information:

I am proud to say that SMART TD members are more likely to be registered to vote, and more likely to vote, than the general public. Research shows that members consistently have a turnout rate of 10 to 20 percentage points higher than the average American worker or retiree. That means power at the ballot box. Although we are doing better than most, we still have room for improvement.

That is where you come in. If you are registered to vote, make a commitment to get your entire family registered; and if not currently registered to vote, make the commitment to register to vote – the future of working families may depend on it.

 In Solidarity,

 John Risch

National Legislative Director
SMART Transportation Division