SMART General Convention notice to locals

May 9, 2014

SMART_logo_041712_thumbnailInternational Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers General Secretary-Treasurer Joe Sellers Jr. has issued the following SMART General Convention notice to all local union presidents, business managers, financial secretary-treasurers and local Transportation Division secretaries.

“Dear Brothers and Sisters:

“As you know, the SMART General Convention will be held the week of August 11, 2014. The International Constitution provides in Article Seven (7), Section 3(f), that no local union or council shall be eligible to represent or vote in the Convention unless all dues, fees and other obligations due this Association are paid in full. In order to be eligible to send delegates to the Convention, a local union’s obligations for all months through and including May 2014 must be paid in full by June 15, 2014.

“You are further advised that the number of delegates and votes to which a local union is entitled at the General Convention will be determined on the basis of each local’s administratively accredited membership as of June 1, 2014. Accordingly, it is imperative that Local Union Financial Secretary-Treasurers and Transportation Division Treasurers have their May 2014 reports and official receipts or the Transportation Division required dues confirmations filed with the General Office by June 15, 2014.”


Joseph Sellers Jr.
General Secretary-Treasurer

View Sellers’ letter here.